Home » Chinese Mainland Firmly Opposes Lai Ching-Te’s “Transit” Trip to U.S.

Chinese Mainland Firmly Opposes Lai Ching-Te’s “Transit” Trip to U.S.

A mainland spokesperson on Wednesday expressed firm opposition to Lai Ching-te’s act of seeking “Taiwan independence” by soliciting U.S. support under the pretext of his so-called “transit” trip to the United States.

Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the remarks in response to Lai’s planned trip to the United States in August announced by Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party authorities.

“We resolutely oppose any form of U.S. connivance and support for ‘Taiwan independence’ separatists and their separatist activities,” said Chen.

Noting mainland’s firm opposition to “Taiwan independence” separatist activities in whatever form, Chen said Taiwan compatriots will see ever more clearly that these separatists are trouble-makers against the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.