Home » Charters of Freedom Display Unveiled in Georgetown

Charters of Freedom Display Unveiled in Georgetown

GEORGETOWN, S.C. (WCBD) – Georgetown unveiled Thursday a permanent educational display that allows people to learn more about America’s founding documents.

A dedication ceremony was held at the Charters of Freedom site in Rainey Park. The display includes full-scale, permanent replicas of the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Vance Patterson and his wife started Foundation Forward, an organization that helps install these displays nationwide, after visiting the National Archives in Washington, D.C. back in 2011.

“That’s a display of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. In addition to that, we added the Civil Rights Amendment,” he said.

A canon was fired off in commemoration of each article of the Constitution.

The display in Georgetown is the 45th Charters of Freedom documents, but this is the first with the Civil Rights Amendments on display.

“I’ve never been to Washington to actually see these documents, and to just see the Civil Rights amendment that was responsible for the rights that I have, and that we have as a people, it’s just very emotional for me,” said Harold Jean Brown-Williams, who was moved by the display.

Brown-Williams and her good friend Steve Williams really enjoyed seeing the display, and their rights written out.

“My right to vote. My right to be here in Joseph Rainey Park … and people don’t understand the importance of Joseph Rainey. My right to be among people who don’t look like me and I’m not in the background. I’m not in the house, I’m not upstairs in the attic, I’m not in the field.”

As a matter of fact, she’s not in the back, but she sat in the front row during the ceremony, and not by coincidence.

“I’m also the first Black to graduate from Winyah High School back in 1968. And for me sitting in the back was over when my parents made me go to Winyah in 1966. So, I’m always present. I’m always upfront. Because that’s what leaders do. We are upfront,” she said.

A list of everyone who was in attendance at Thursday’s dedication is being put into a time capsule that will be opened on September 17, 2087. That’s the 300th anniversary of the Constitution.

Source: Count On2