Home » President Biden Near Record Low Approval Among Key Groups

President Biden Near Record Low Approval Among Key Groups

President Joe Biden’s job performance rating has mostly held steady for more than a year and currently stands at 44% approve vs. 56% disapprove in the latest Fox News national survey.

That’s net negative by 12 points. The last time that he received positive marks was September 2021, and that was by 1 point (50%-49%).

“Biden’s numbers cratered in the fall of 2021 after the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and the onset of hyperinflation,” said Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. “Since then, his approval has barely moved, despite a midterm election, economic ups and downs, and several legislative policy rollouts.”

Approval of the president hovers at a low point among several key voting groups, including women (43% now vs. 42% low), voters ages 45+ (41% vs. 39% low), suburban voters (41% vs. 39% low), rural voters (31% vs. 30% low) and Democrats (81% vs. 78% low) – Democratic men in particular (79% vs. 78% low). He’s at a low mark of 41% approval among suburban women. 

While only 35% of independents approve, that’s well above his 26% low last August.

Meanwhile, majorities of voters disapprove of Biden’s performance on each of these issues: 53% disapprove on national security, 54% on foreign policy, 60% on border security, and 64% disapprove of how he’s handling the economy.

Yet Biden is also doing things voters like. Seventy-four percent approve of his executive order requiring criminal background checks on gun buyers and 54% approve of the administration moving forward with the Willow Project, an oil drilling plan in northern Alaska.

There is rare partisan agreement on these actions. More than half of Democrats (51%), independents (53%) and Republicans (57%) approve of the Willow Project. There’s a wider difference on the criminal background check executive order, but still, majorities of Democrats (94%), independents (76%) and Republicans (53%) approve of that, too.

Conducted March 24-27, 2023, under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,007 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The total sample has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

Source : Fox News